*Again ... click the title to go to this weeks Psalm*I think it's interesting to think about how many different drink choices there are in the world. I mean, every once in a while I will drink a cold, satisfying, delicious cola for breakfast, but that's obviously not my only option. We're different from the rest of creation. We're special in my opinion. If you look at other "mammals," their drink menu seems to be much more limited - precisely to water. We have juices, sodas, fancy sparkling water, milk (which comes from a cow? ... weird), and so much more. The Bible tells us thought, that man is also created with another thirst - one that cannot be quenched by the most recent release of Gatorade. The question today is not one of physical thirst (speaking of which, it's time for a water break). Contrary to physical thirst, spiritual thirst is not satisfied by Aquafina, and it most definitely does not have a preference between Pepsi and Coke. On the other hand,spiritual thirst can only be combated with the living waters that God pours out through His word and His presence.
Verses 1-2 Here it is, plain and simple. Just like animals have the natural instincts that tell them, "YOU'RE THIRSTY, GET SOME WATER," we have been created with a thirst for the living God. There is nothing else that can satisfy this deep spiritual thirst other than the Lord God Almighty Himself.
Romans 1:18-23 talks about how man was created to recognize God in creation. That there is a conviction that lies in the hearts of believers and non-believers alike that says, "there is a God that created this world." I'd really encourage you to take a look at that passage and see what Paul calls the "invisible attributes" of God. Basically, getting down to the nitty-gritty, man was created to not only recognize there is a God, but also to understand that God is satisfaction. I find it amazing - there is nothing in the world that quenches the deep passions of the human soul like the "invisible attributes" of God - His love, His power, His wisdom, and His gentleness. The struggle that human-kind shares with David is seen clearly in these first verses - how are you going to satisfy your thirst? Although David sums it up pretty well in saying that God is [or should be] his only THIRST, Jesus totally rocks the house. In
John 4:7-14, Jesus comes across a woman who is completely confused about how to quench this "spiritual thirst" that we're talking about. Jesus doesn't turn her way because of her sin, but offers her living water - the water that is capable of conquering the thirst of every human soul. This water is none other than the love and friendship of Jesus Christ.
Verses 3-6 David was never a man to hide his struggles. He was the mightiest of kings in the entire Bible, but he is also made to be an example of the internal struggles with sin. David was an honest man when it came to his thirst. To sum it up quickly, David talks about friends, about organized religion, and about the pains and frustrations it brought into his life. This is pretty spectacular right? Basically, if you try to answer your spiritual thirst with works, with "religion", friends, or even sin, you will be left unsatisfied. David even shows that his halls were filled praise and joy, but his soul still felt hollow. Why? He never let God into the equation. Encouragement: allow God to invade your friendships, your worship, your church services and religion ... or surrender YOUR ENTIRE LIFE to Him.
Verses 7-11 This is where we get to answer the question of why God is the only solution to spiritual thirst. Let's answer the question with another question. How deep is the Father's love for us, that he would send his only son to die on a cross for a bunch of ungreatful sinners (
Romans 5:7). God's love is like a waterfall. It's powerful, constant, but extremely beautiful at the same time. There is no one like our God (
1 Samuel 2:22, Jeremiah 10:6, Psalm 86:8). He is creator (
Genesis 1). He is everlasting peace(
Isaiah 9:6). He is salvation and the conqueror of all sin (
Galatians 5:24). He is justice (
Micah 7). He is the standard for righteousness (
Isaiah 45:24). He is good (
Nahum 1:7). He is love (
1 John 4:8). Everything is his (
Colossians 1:16). He is sastisfaction (
Psalm 37:4). We could do this all day ... just read your Bible.
The end.