Monday, February 26, 2007

Night of Worship

I don't know about you guys, but I love to worship God. Why do you may ask? Well, God has given me so much in my life that I can't help but worship Him. He has blessed me with countless things ranging from my health to my opportunity to serve with Amped Junior High. However, greater than all of these things God has forgiven my sins.

God left His awesome glory in heaven to come to this world in the form as a man. A man named Jesus. Jesus allowed himself to be crucified in order that I may have eternal life. Christ came to this world so that He could replace my death. He died so that I could live with Him forever in paradise. Jesus died and rose again from the dead. For this I praise God with all that I am.

On March 7th, Amped Junior High is going to have it's first Night of Worship where we are going to dedicate the night to worshiping God and taking communion. So, if you were wondering "why do we worship?" well, my reason for praising God should be your reason as well. Every Christian should be worshiping God because God has given them eternal life.

Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Get your Friends to Come!

So, with the upcoming event "THE WEEKEND" I've been thinking about how awesome it's gonna be. The Weekend is going to be a lot of fun, and it is a huge opportunity for people who aren't Christians to get to know Christ as their Lord and Savior. So, I just want to encourage you guys to invite all of your friends to this awesome event because frankly, there is going to be robots. What else can you ask for? So guys, be sure to sign up for The Weekend, and be extra sure to invite all of your friends! Grab some fliers and give them to your buddies.

Speaking of robots, my favorite robot is Optimus Prime, and well this guy is pretty funny looking too.

Monday, February 05, 2007

What's After White Noise?

Who's tired? Who's sore? Who wants to go back?!

Pretty much all of the above applies to me. I'm tired, I'm sore, and I want to go back! White Noise was a blast. From the hot chocolate to the small groups to hitting the slopes, everything was better than expected.

While up in the mountains, we learned how to Love God and Love People. We learned how to Love God by looking at the life of Paul and his relationship with Christ. Also, we learend how to Love People by examining the story of the Good Samaritan, and his loving heart.

So, now that White Noise is over, what is the next event that we are looking forward to? To let you guys know something, there is nothing to look forward to. Because in 6 weeks, Robots are going to take over Ocean Hills.