"Not by power, nor by might,
but by my spirit, says the Lord."
What an encouraging verse right? I mean, it doesn't matter what you encounter in this world - at school, at home, with friends ... God is bigger. God is stronger. Around the same time in High School, I adopted Romans 8:31-39 as my favorite passage in the Bible, it starts:
"What then shall we say to these things?
If God is for us, who can be against us?"
If you take these two scripture references and put them together, you in essence get the message presented in Psalm 33. As young Christians, we need to have the mentality that God is unmatched in every aspect of our lives. Whatever it is that has you weighed down, bring it to God and lay it as His feet. God is on your side - He refuses to surrender to the pains and struggles you face in life. Don't believe me? Let's check out Psalm 33
Verses 4-5 I think it's easy to come to the realization that God is unlike any other. Aside from his power, the words to desribe his nature are beyond comparison. These two verses give us a little insight into who God is - faithful, unfailing, true, and righteous. God is faithful - he always pulls through. The word tells us that God makes all things work together for our good. I have enough problems trying to find matching socks in the morning, but God seems to have my life in his mighty hands - he will not let me down, and he will not let me go [speaking of course from personal experience]. God's love never fails. As Jesus hung on a cross, bearing the sin of the entire world - there was only one thing on his mind - forgiveness. God's thoughts towards you are more abundant than the sand on the sea shore - the cross is no exception to that, for He died on an individual basis - for you, for me - knowingly. God is true. Try to find a book like the Bible - flawless, perfect, God-breathed (2 Tim). The perfection and intricacy of the word is just a mild reflection of who God is. These are simply a few of the words that we use in the English dictionary to describe our God, who truly is unlike any other.
Verses 6-9 Obviously, this next section talks about creation. By God's very word, the entirety of the universe was poured out in the orderly fashion He saw fit (see Genesis). I like this so very much. No matter where you look, creation is of the most complex pictures we see of our God. David says that even the stars are a result of his mighty breath. Our God is power. I wish that I could make things happen just by saying a command. I cannot, unfortunately, but my mighty God can. Our God is big. David uses the analogy that our God is able to store the oceans in a jar - just like you're able to fill your cup with water from a faucet. God spoke, and it happened. Period. Now think - if our God is big enough to create all that we see, is he not powerful enough to take care of you? Yeah ... He is.
Verses 10-11 This part is so cool. From the beginning of time, man has had the audacity to stand against a might God. These verses tell us that nothing can stand up against God - it's a hands-down victory for our might God. Daniel painted a wonderful picture of a statue made out of all sorts of metals and clay - this statue was smashed by none other that the rock, Jesus Christ. What does this mean for us? Well first and foremost, it means that there is nothing on this Earth that is comparable to our God. Secondly, it means that we should continually check our hearts to see where we stand. Are we grouping our selves with God - letting him govern our lives and dictate our daily paths OR our we settling for less. Are we choosing the easy way out? Are we serving another master? If we are, we're going to get smashed too - we're going to fail. On the other hand, God is infinite - His reign and power are without limit (awesome)!
Verse 12 David says that the man who places his trust in God is a blessed man indeed. Think about your life. What are you holding onto? What is your protection? What or who are you serving? If you're not finding safety in the arms of our almighty God, than you truly are missing out on the profound mystery described in this chapter.
Our God is Big
Our God is Strong
Our God is Power
Our God is Unmatched