I attend a wonderful school filled with self-proclaimed geniuses – that is to say that they think they are much more intelligent than they really are. Believe me when I say that I’m not trying to be rude, but I must say that we, as “sensible” human beings, should really learn from our mistakes. Time and time again, we have found that science falls short of perfection; that “theory” needs to be changed or modified every so often. On the other hand, it seems to be true that theory is synonymous with “fact” in so many scientists’ minds – that is that science is always right. Don’t get me wrong, often times science is right, but one thing is for sure – that when science contradicts the infallible word of God, science must be wrong. Just think about it – there are a million ways to build any Lego structure, but only one builder. Where are you going to look for information about how the Lego masterpiece was made? Obviously, you should just ask the creator rather than stirring up your own ridiculous "insight" about how the thing was made in the first place. When it comes to science, the goal is rarely direct in “discounting” the Bible. I mean, you don’t read any papers in scientific journals that are title “Why the Bible is false – [insert Bible story] never happened.” When the Bible does come up, however, the typical behavior of the modern scientist is to toss miraculous stories aside as “implausible” (hooray for experience!). Reading over this week’s Psalm, I came to think about the flood – the mighty flood from Noah’s day in which waters from above and below the surface of the Earth totally ravaged our planet, leaving it completely submerged for 40 days. “Implausible?” I think not. God is God … what his word says, goes. He is strong. He is mighty. He does what he wants, while his reason and logic are without fault. Who are you going to trust ... creation or creator?
Verses 1-3 Here's what spoke to me in this Psalm - God is our refuge, God is our strength. Wait. Back Up. This means that the all mighty creator of the universe is backing me up. "I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me" (Phil 4:13) ... Maybe you think it's overused, but I think that it is severely underestimated. I mean, Jesus said that with the faith of a mustard seed, we could move mountains. That means one of two things is possible - either Jesus is a liar (which is in fact false), or we all have a tremendous lack of faith in the power and omnipotent nature of our creator. Read the text and really soak it in. When the Earth shakes, rattles and rolls ... when thunder tears through the air and heavy rain beats on the Earth ... when tornadoes and hurricanes bend and break even the mightiest of trees ... we have no fear, for our faith lies in a God who created the very concept of these things and brought them to life to bear witness of his power (Romans 1:20). What is impossible for our creator ... nothing. When so many of us get into this mentality that the physical world puts limitations on God's ability ... we better check ourselves - both our faith and our very understanding of God himself. Psalm 33:6-7 say that our God can gather the sea into jars and he calls the stars by name. Genesis 2:7 tells us that God breathed life into man. The gospel accounts even tell us that Christ, the God-Man, conquered death itself. "Implausible?" No way ... He's God. That's literally my argument ... He's God.
Verses 8-9 This part is just a wonderful topping to these verses ... Not only is God the creator of all things - powerful, mighty, and just awesome ... he's involved too. "Come and see what the Lord has done" ... look out at creation, look at his word, look at the gift of life itself. God is good (Nahum 1:7). I like to know this - that my God is a great peace maker, and this is how: He shatters the shields of the enemy and breaks their spears ... basically the fight was done before it started. In super smash brothers, we call that a "No Contest." God is the God of victory. So ... why point this out? Yes, our God is the God of the impossible - but he truly is our shield, our refuge, and our strength. His "abba-father" love for us is just as "impossible" as all of the tremendous stories we hear in the Bible ... but it's true. It's a gift. All you have to do to accept it is have faith.
Verse 10
“Be still, and know that I am God;
I will be exalted among the nations,
I will be exalted in the earth.”
The End.