Tuesday, July 03, 2007

Message Review

So, I've decided to start making posts about each message we have during Amped. Let's start with this last Sunday.

2 Timothy

So, this last week we continued through the New Testament, studying one book a week in an attempt to get an overview of the entire Bible. We covered the epistle that was written by Paul called: 2 Timothy. Instead of going through the book cover to cover, we jumped around and talked about evangelism. Our call to worship was the great commission (Matthew chapter 28), when Christ gives a charge to His apostles, and us, to go out into the world preaching the Word of God.

The first passage that we read was 2 Timothy chapter 3, verses 1-9. Paul reminds us of how evil the world is, especially in the last days. We took a look at America's crime index over the past 40 years and believe it or not, crime has pretty much tripled! Earlier in the service, the question of the week was: if you were to tell an unsaved friend about Christ, how would you do it? The reason Matthew chose that to be the question of the week was to put everybody in the mind set of evangelism.
We live in a fallen world and all of us have unsaved friends. What are we going to do about all of this sad news? Stand by, dormit, and watch everything happen? Or are we to go out and preach the word of God? As we moved on through 2 Timothy we talked about how we are supposed to be ready in season and out of season to tell people about Christ. Be ready to talk about Christ when you are out of your comfort zone! Doing God's work is more important than ones popularity at school.

We also talked about suffering for Christ. A few weeks ago we covered 1st and 2nd Thessalonians. Paul went to the city of Thessalonica and preached the word. After only three weeks, there was an uproar of people who wanted to capture Paul. Although he escaped safely, it is evident that there are people who do not want to hear about Christ. However, we must show them God's love so that they might be saved.
Imagine if everyone who goes to Amped brought one friend who we has never been to Amped before. Imagine if we had to get more chairs and because the entire room was being filled. I can't wait to see what God is going to do in Amped Junior High Ministry. However, it is up to you guys to spread the gospel, tell others about Christ, and invite them to Amped.

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