Sunday, September 12, 2010

Creator - Kind of an Understatement (29)

Today when I was driving to visit my parents for dinner at their house, I turned on the radio and listened to a man named Jack Hibbs teach a message on defending creation. He did a fantastic job explaining the holes in evolutionary logic and an even better job explaining the poor approach people generally take to seeing God as our creator. As we have been reading the gospel of Luke and looking at the truly perplexing history of Jesus and the disciples, we have come to realize that the Bible is no ordinary story. In fact, it seems obvious that we have come to the conclusion that the attitude we have had all along while reading scripture is not the one we should have. The Bible is crazy. The Bible is out of this world. The stories about Jesus life are intense and uncomfortable. Guys ... our creator is not boring. Our creator is not dull or unimpressive. Look around. Our God - our mighty God - created all of this. All that you see and all that you have ever been impressed with in nature comes from an awesome creator (by awesome, I mean jaw dropping - knock your socks off). Just think. The roar of the ocean show us his power. The beauty of a sunset shows us his passion and creativity. The sound of the wind blowing though the trees shows us his gentleness. The list can go on and on ... the term creator is not one to be taken lightly. In fact, our creator revealed himself to us in the masterpiece of his creation - all for the sake of His love for us. He is the creator ...

Verses 1-2 So what's this Psalm about anyway. We read it and we find David pleading with us to do something. What exactly is he asking? He wants us to "ascribe" to the Lord - or in other words "give credit where credit is due." When I work very hard on something, I always anticipate someone giving me a 'pat on the back' - telling me my project looks nice, that I did a good job on my homework, that my GPA is impressive, that I did a 'good job' ... we all do it right? We're so prideful - quick and ready to receive applause but slow to dish it out. What this Psalm is about is taking a step back, looking around at the world, and realizing the credit that God deserves. Just look up at the stars, watch the clouds, have a staring contest with the sun ... I don't care what you do as long as you take David's challenge seriously - ascibe to God. Ascribe to the mighty creator.

Verses 3-9 I'm pretty sure I don't need to say much here. Think about the mightiest storm you've ever been in. One year when I went to Costa Rica, there was a hurricane hitting a neighboring country which obviously dragged some storms to where I was staying. For the first time in my life, raindrops hurt my skin ... thunder shook the very core of my being. For once ... real thunder - not wimpy, not boring, not lame ... but powerful, body shaking, intimidating. David says here - our God's voice is like thunder (just a crazy picture of who God is right?). David even says that God's voice is powerful enough to shatter one of the worlds strongest trees ... that's the real deal. God's creation was intended to give us a picture of who he is. Think about it a little bit - Jesus says that even when we fail to represent Him, the rocks will cry out. CREATION SPEAKS. Creation tells us of the power of our God, or at least gives us a slight glimpse of it. David doesn't even stop with the thunder. God is more brilliant than lightning (brightening up even the darkest of places). God's presence strips forests bare. You can tell a lot about a painter by what they paint. On a greater scale, you can also tell a lot about God by observing pieces of his creation.

well what now? I remember the first time I heard a message like this. I can't drive in my car the same way anymore. I can't go a regular day without thinking about at least a small piece of God's creation. Take it to heart. Look at creation. Observe the masterpiece that surrounds you on a daily basis. God is our creator ... what does that mean to you? Perhaps that he kinda just threw the universe together? ... nope ... he painted a picture for you to know who he is and who he wants to be in your life.

Creator ... kind of an understatement yeah?

Verses 1-4

1 comment:

Bethany Nicol said...
