For the last post, we talked about how Jesus himself kneeled down at the disciples feet to wash them. It rocks my world every time I get a full glimpse of our humble savior, Jesus Christ - that he, while being fully God, had such an unquenchable passion for us sinners that he purposed in his heart to redeem us to the father by the means of his own blood. Basically, Romans 5:7-8 sums it up well when Paul reminds us that a man will rarely even die for an innocent friend, but Christ died for people that willing-fully rejected him. After all, that is sin right? The willful disobedience that put Jesus on the cross. The willful rejection of Jesus Christ - in action. I'll be the first to admit that it even hurts to write that convicting portion of text, as I am guilty of the same crime. Jesus, being the perfect example of servant-hood first to the father and then to his flock, made it clear that we are to be humble in the same manner. Just as Christ had sacrificial love for us, we in turn are to lay our selfish ambition aside so that God's love may be expressed to the world, but also so that it may be made perfect in us (1 John 4:8-12). Humility has a two-fold purpose - to pave the way for Christ to enter others' lives, but also to protect us from ourselves. Why? God loves sinners but knows the destruction that sin brings.
Before we start. Let me just mention one more point. In Matthew 19:23, Jesus tells his disciples that it is harder to a rich man to go to heaven than it is for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle. That is not to say that people with money cannot be saved, but more so that people who allow money to be their god, their focus, and their lives' priority are more likely (almost guaranteed) to lose sight of God's influence in their life. But that goes for anything. Biblical humility is not simply the antonym of "pride". It is sacrificial. It is selfless. It gives God's plans and purposes for our life the priority over our own goals and self-centered pursuits. In other words - it's makes a person spiritually "hollow" in a way that allows God to fully pour the living water of Jesus Christ into the Christian life.
Verse 1 This here is my inspiration for this week. Verse 1 is so cool because it's seems so simple ... but so many strings are attached. Did you know that having "regard for thew weak" was something that God invented. It was, well actually everything was, God's idea first. Why? Because in our weakness, God is strong (2nd Corinthians 12:9). In our times of struggle with evil, God remains faithful, strong, and good (Nahum 1:7). When David says that we are to have regard for the weak, I believe there is an idea attached to it that many often overlook. To have regard for the weak (at least as a sinful being) is to realize that you are incapable as well. When we are self confident, or when we are proud is when we are the weakest spiritual. On the other hand, a humble spirit allows the almighty God to work in unexpected and unmeasurable ways - in ways that we couldn't even believe if we were told (Habakkuk 1:5). Yes, we are to have regard for physical sicknesses and weaknesses, but always remember to take it as a reminder to humble yourself. Why? ...
Verse 2 - God protects the humble, because humble people know to take refuge in our omni-potent God.
Verse 3 - God places a healing hand on those who are his. Both spiritually and physically ... more importantly spiritually. Why? Because God brings restoration to the seemingly unredeemable sinner. God brought what was once dead to life (Ephesians 2:1-10).
Verse 4 - God cannot heal a prideful sinner because a prideful sinner will not fall to repentance at His feet. But God's love will cover a multitude of sins for those who confess them (1 Peter 4:8,1 John 1:9).
Verse 5-11 - God is victory to those who let Him be. There is no battle against evil that God has not already won (1 Corinthians 15:50-57).
Verse 12 - He establishes us in his presence never to be snatched up again (Amos 9:15,John 10:28)
Just to close up:
Jesus said this - "Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven."
Pretty boss yeah?