Verses 1-5 Obviously, there is a slight emphasis on verse two this week. David proclaims that God has brought him out of a "horrible pit" and pulled him out of the "clay." Make a note that clay is nothing like dirt - clay is hard sometimes, sticky and wet sometimes, and completely messy always. If you have ever dug a hole and ran into clay, then you understand how difficult and time consuming it would be to actually get something out of it. Romans 3:10 says that there are none righteous, no not one. Every human being that has every walked this planet has been bound by sin ... and they're stuck. Sin is not a "situation", sin is not an "occurance" - sin is the reality that man failed God and missed the standard of perfection. In fact, the mighty king David was no exception. He never claims to be righteous or holy ... he claims to have found salvation in a God that listened to his cry and came to his aid. David continues and says that any man who places his trust is God is blessed. Why? Because they are free, and have been freed by a relational God. In Ephesians, we're told that God was willing that all should come to repentance, that God not only wants to save, but wants to gather all of his children back to the family. Again ... Why? Because God's thoughts towards us individually are endless (verse 5). Because his love is unceasing, unchanging, and passionate. How are we freed from the clutches of sin? Just like David, we can call upon the Father for forgiveness and salvation (John 3:16).
Verses 6-12 Hebrews 11:6 says this - "without faith, it is impossible to please God." In verses 6 and 7, David comes to the realization that our God is not one to be please by the religious aspects of Christianity. In the Old Testament, he was not pleased with the acts of sacrifice themselves, but what they stood for. Even more so, it grieved the Father to send his son to die on the cross, but the cause brought nothing but joy to the Father. When we have been freed from sin, God does not want us to be ritualistic in the way we live our lives. God does not want people that "have to", but people that "want to." David says that he delights to do God's will. If your feet have truly been cleaned - if you have been transformed by Jesus blood, the Bible is clear that you are now a new creation (2nd Corinthians 5:17). Loving God should not feel like a chore. If it does ... check your heart. My mom said this the other day - if we had a full grasp on the God that we serve, how much harder would it be to sin? David struggled. We struggled. But one thing is clear - that David chose to spread the good news. To share what God did for others so that He could do it for them too.
Jesus washed the disciples feet clean (John 13) ...
Let him wash your life clean continually ...
Live free in the grace and mercy of our Savior!
Share the good news!
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