Thursday, December 28, 2006

Winter Retreat

Hey guys, Evan is out of state this weekend. He's speaking at a High School winter retreat. So, Matthew is going to be speaking both 1st and 2nd service on Sunday Morning. We'll be going through the book of Haggai.

Speaking about winter retreats... Here's a diagram of what is to come in February.

So get ready for White Noise 2007!!!

Sunday, December 24, 2006

Merry Christmas!

Have a Merry, Merry Christmas! This past Sunday we looked at Zephaniah and how the first half discusses judgement, but the second half discusses hope and restoration. God made promises in the Old Testament that He would come to restore the people. When Jesus was born in Bethlehem this was part of this promise being fulfilled. So this year as you sip your eggnog and open you presents, remember the greatest gift of all time, and the gift that is so great we keep celebrating it, Jesus' birth!

Wednesday, December 20, 2006

Liewer Family Christmas Letter 2006

Well every year my parents go the extra mile and instead of just sending Christmas cards with lovely photos in it, they write an entire Christmas letter. This year, they gave that dubious honor to my brother. Some may remember my brother from the Weekend (this year's theme is asfOIYB&f% 587%^#39) and he also came to Amped All Night. Well my brother wrote an amazing 7 page Christmas letter that was eventually edited down to 1 single page. I enjoyed the letter so much I figured I would share the portion he wrote regarding me and April. So without further ado, I present to you the infamous, unedited 2006 Liewer Christmas Letter:

Evan&April.....Evan was always a gifted child, but we had to wonder how his videogame skills, ninja techniques, film production output, stunt work, and his knack for lighting things on fire, would ever come together as a career. Let it be known people, dreams do come true, if you only believe. Evan has combined every one of those childhood talents with wisdom, patience, and a passion for the Gospel to create a position where childhood innocence meets adult leadership. And believe me- you will NEVER, see the Word of God taught so pure and dynamic and then seamlessly transitioned to cricket spitting contests or num chuck demonstrations until you witness him in person.
Evan's faith, commitment and reverence have led to two recent distinctions at church. In November, our family, including April's parents, witnessed Evan's ordination at Ocean Hills Community Church, where he has spent the last 3/4 of his life. Secondly, he was promoted to Head Youth Pastor at Ocean Hills Community Church. He must get his teaching skills from his mother and his perseverance from his father. More importantly, we credit April with dressing him, feeding him, and making sure he keeps good hygiene. Evan and April truly personify a Godly marriage and true love. In addition to her support, April has been working as an office manager for a design firm, as well as decorating and renovating their new apartment in San Clemente. In fact she is in the process of adding an art studio in their new garage.

I kid you not, when I first read this I had tears in my eyes from laughter. I couldn't breathe.

Wednesday, December 13, 2006

Baby Caleb

Baby Caleb has been upgraded to a Crib!

Tuesday, December 12, 2006

Family Dinner Night

Last Night was such a wonderful night! It was so great getting together with family and sharing a feast. But i have to be honest one of my favorite parts was the White Elephant . With 48 presents exchanging hands this was my largest White Elephant (the previous record was 46). I may be biased but one of my favorite gifts was the hamster in the ball. I mean who doesnt want a hamster? Other notable gifts were the toilet paper, cheese and quackers plate, teddy bears, basketball fondue , and a good old fashion starbucks card. I am so excited that Matthew is stepping up and helping more and more. Today he and I have a planning meeting for the Weekend. We already have the theme, and the theme is U345G Vasd4758897fAF^*A%2345 D2345_(DAFHDAF&TD5634F^%*A&%^$AD AST7 A09dasfGUYAfgbdfas7tsa80dbw6 38f7h7y6d57fjk7 9576hf976h567658461stn8768h. Doesn't that sound like a blast! But remember if you have any questions (other than the theme) feel free to email me!

Wednesday, December 06, 2006

This picture isn't moving

It's Cold Outside

Have you been outside today? It's cold. I saw this flagpole today and thought to myself, I should see if my tongue gets stuck to it, and as I approach the flagpole I realized something. Only 1 of 2 things can occur. Either I am "successful" and my tongue does stick to the pole, but at that point, I am standing in the cold with my face glued to a stick in the middle of nowhere. I could call the fire department on my cell phone, but that would be a difficult time telling the operator, "I eed, elp, mi ung its stuthk to a agg-pole." But the other option is I put my tongue to the pole and it doesn't stick, at which point I just licked a flag pole for no good. So I choose not to try it. But man it is cold outside. But i like this weather a lot more than being 90 degrees in December. But finally with weather this cold, it gets me ready for Christmas. And being ready for Christmas makes me ready for White Noise. Every service we have more and more people are signing up, which means fewer and fewer spots. So please, please, please sign up soon. Make sure to reserve your spot with your deposit as soon as possible. Also dont forget this Monday is our Family Dinner Night, a night to spend with our familes having a great time. And in case you wonder, the photos you see in this post are REAL snowflakes. These arent drawings are CGI, these are single snowflakes placed under a microscope. Isnt it great how God is, I have seen billions of snowflakes in my like and they all look like little white dots, but God is so creative that His little white dots are beautiful!

Update: It is burning hot outside, I have taken off my Amped Beanie, but my sweatshirt is still on!

Monday, December 04, 2006


God hates things? That was such a weird thing for me to understand at first. But just as we looked at it this past Sunday, it makes perfect sense. God loves us so much that He hates things that keeps us away from Him. So God loves us no matter what, but when we choose to seperate ourselves from God, He hates it. It is so cool having a God that loves us that much.

White Noise Sign-Ups have begun and spaces are limited so sign-up very quickly cause we dont want it to fill up without you being on the list. Also this coming Monday is the Family Dinner Night, so if you haven't signed up to bring your favorite dish get on the list this Wednesday!