Thursday, April 03, 2008

Romans 9

Basically, Wednesday nighth was deep. We studied through Romans chapter 9 and talked about God's Sovereignty. Sovereignty is a word that means to have complete authority over something. And so when we say that God is sovereign, we are saying that God has complete authority over creation. His will will always be done in the end. The issue at hand is however, what about our free will? Since God wills things to be does he will certain people to be saved?

In the boys small groups we talked about Arminianism and Calvinism. Arminianism is the extreme belief that it is 100% our choice to be saved where as (on the other side of the spectrum) calvinism is the extreme belief that God elects certain people to be saved.

Here is a funny picture of a shirt that illustrates the differences between Arminianism and Calvinism.

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