Tuesday, August 15, 2006


Wow, I have been working all day on the secret event for next month. It's going to be awesome. We are going to anounce all the information soon, but not just yet... But get ready, it will be announced at the World's Largest Ice Cream Sundae event, so make sure to come and fill up on some ice cream and hear whats coming up!

This past Sunday we talked about the book of Ecclesiastes. Meaningless, Meaningless, Meaningless. Solomon says this word a bunch. Solomon tells us that with his life he sought after money and wisdom and power and when he reached the end of his life, it was meaningless, that when you are dead you can't take it with you. Kinda like the saying, "He who dies with the most stuff still dies". So Solomon shares his life experience with us and tells us that we shouldn't live for wordly things, as they will pass, but in our youth we should worship God. That is the only thing we are taking to Heaven, our relationship with Him. So take Solomon's wisdom and focus on God.

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