So this past Wednesday we looked at the final 4 verses of James. These verses break down into 2 parts, the example of Elijah, and the concern of a friend. We looked at the Old Testament story of Elijah, found in 1st Kings 17 of Elijah on Mt. Carmel and how when he prayed fire came from Heaven. After this he went and prayed again. He prayed that now God would bring forth water. It hadn't rained in 3 1/2 years and people were starving from no food and crops were dead and it needed to rain for the crops to grow again. So Elijah begins to pray and he sends his servant to check to see if any clounds are in the sky. The servant comes back, nothing, a 2nd time, still nothing.
Elijah continues to pray without results for 6 times, then the 7th time the servant comes back and says there is a single cloud in the sky the size of his fist. Elijah knows this is a sign from God and has everyone leave the mountain before the downpour will get them stuck atop the mountain. "The prayers of a righteous man are powerful and effective." We can see this in Elijah, but the next verse states "Elijah was a man just like us". We too should see to be righteous, like Elijah's example. James closes by telling us we need to care for brothers and sisters in Christ. If a friend of yours is making poor decisions, call them out on it. You could be saving them from some really really bad stuff in the future. Just make sure to do it in a loving way, otherwise you could really hurt them.
So i am really really pumped for Amped All Night. Sign up soon
and get the sweet wrist band as seen to your right. These are your entrance tickets to the event, just walk right by the lines of paparazzi and those that didn't pre-register and show your green band with pride. Wear it at school and tell others of the awesomeness that will be Amped All Night. Invite as many friends as possible, share the fun, share the excitement, and share the Lord with them!
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