Thursday, May 18, 2006

James 1:5-11

Well, we were able to move back to the Amped Room last night, I dont know if you looked up, but there were some new lights installed, but they didnt work, lights need light bulbs and electricity and an on off switch. But last night we talked about wisdom. Wisdom is a gift from God, and in James we learn that God wants to give us wisdom, all we have to do is have the faith to ask. When we ask in faith He will give freely.

Rummage Sale is getting in full swing, so get ready. I am excited for all the stuff that will be there. You never know what to expect there, you get excited about seeing something and then Wham that beautiful treasure you never thought you would expect. It could be a vintage Candyland game, or used pillow, or possiblely a real life duck. You never know what it could be.

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