Thursday, June 22, 2006

Bits and Rudders

Continuing our series in James we looked at the taming of the tongue. It’s hard sometimes not to say stupid stuff; I know I have said some really dumb stuff. But James tells us to think before we speak. I think the world would be a lot nicer if we took that second to check our thoughts and make sure we really want to say what we want to say. James tells us that taming the tongue is one of the most difficult things we can ever do, but that just means we have to try really really hard. Last night i shared a story of a friend who ate an entire medium pizza for $20. Want to know who it was? It was Nate Heitzig, our speaker on Sunday morning second service. Now I get the privledge of working with Nate every day, so I get to see what he does day to day. Many people dont get this same privledge, so I thought, I can I share what Nate is doing with his time at work. So i made a webcam, so that everyone can enjoy what Nate does all day long. If the picture is of an empty chair Nate is probably out running an errand.

So since I like pictures I saw a new product that I wanted to share. I dont think it needs much of an introduction, but just imagine the uses, you can watch tv or play video games and be completely unaware of everything around you. The only downside is i dont think you can breath while wearing it. Prices and Availabilty not announced yet, but it is coming soon!

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