Friday, July 13, 2007

Wavelength House Boat Trip

So, as it turns out Evan forgot half of the food for the High School House Boat trip. Guess who got to drive 300 miles and deliver the supplies? You guessed it... Kira and I went on the house boat trip because Evan forgot his food. Now, I was actually impressed with the trip. It was alot of fun, except for the part when I got rained on during the night (I slept on top of the house boat).
The best part of the trip was when I trained Traffic (the dog) to play fetch, in the lake. Traffic literally will dive into the lake to play fetch... she is become a WATER DOG. My friends, the circle is complete, she is officially my favorite dog that is.... alive (I miss my doggy!).


Ballar4Life said...

I miss the highschoolers

Kira Sibley said...

Oh Traff.. Why are you so cute?