Saturday, July 29, 2006

Summer Camp 2006

Summer Camp Review

Sunday We arrived late in the evening and it was straight to dinner. The dining hall is awesome, adorned with almost 100 different animals. We had some food and went back to unpack. Later that night we had our first meeting and then off to bed for us.

Monday Monday started as a normal day, breakfast, meeting, small groups, but then it came time for picture time to take the group photo. Well we hit somewhat of a snag, it started raining. So the photo was quickly snapped and we ran for cover in the lunch hall. Due to the rain they had to cancel all lake activities and we were all very very sad. But they opened the pool for night swim (the rain had stopped) and we had a great day still.

Tuesday Monday not only canceled lake time free time but it canceled our first olympic competition. So tuesday we had our first event which was a swim relay. I have to be honest our teams rocked. Teams were decided cabins, so we had a girls team and a guys team and both placed very well. But to be honest, the girls beat the guys time by 2 seconds.

Wednesday Today the competition was the wacky race and boy was it wacky. I was asked to speak at the camp this year and for Wednesday night's meeting I gave a message on Jesus walking on water. In a few weeks, I am going to get the CD of everyone's message and i will upload the messages for those that want a refresher course.

Thursday was Iron man day. It was a gruelling competition, a run, a swim, another run, a rock climb and finally a bike ride. We did sustain one injury, but she was okay in the end. It was a great race, not an Amazing Race... but still it was quality. Thursday we also made up the missed competition from Monday, The water balloon hitter game. The game goes like this, five people behind a water balloon launcher, shooting at five people 100 feet away in a small circle. And can i say the guys owned this event. They scored 7 points, most teams scored 0 and the 2nd place only had like 3 points. This event moved us from last or close to it, to 3rd place.

Friday Friday was sweet for two reasons. It was our last olympic event, the boat race. The rules were simply this, make a boat out of cardboard and ducttape, you cant use any supplies not provided, go. The guys and the girls both had excellent designs and both placed well. But i really enjoyed Friday because of the baptism. 20 students from OHills were baptized and 1 accepeted the Lord. It was a beautiful day.

Summer Camp Photos are here. To be honest the photos are not in order, but they are all there. There is something like 600 photos, so it make take some time to check them all out. We did get photos of everyone that was baptized, so if at first you don't see yourself, keep looking, you are somewhere else. I will also add a write up later, but for now its nap time ZZZzzzzzzzzz
Sleep well everyone

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