Wednesday, September 13, 2006

Is any one of you in trouble? He should pray.

This has been a difficult week for Amped Ministries. Our beloveded Mark and Gilda who are 20 weeks pregnant with their son Caleb had some complications. Currently Caleb has a good heart beat and is moving (a lot from what the nurse says) but Caleb is in danger. So much that Gilda has to remain in the hospital until the birth. Please keep Mark and Gilda Bates in your prayers daily. Pray that Caleb can be a full term baby (meaning he is in the belly for al 9 months) and pray that Mark and Gilda can be strengthened by God. Mark and Gilda have a positive outlook now, knowing that everything is part of God's will.
I have had many requests from people asking how to help. First and foremost, pray. Prayer heals. But if you would like to help out in a specific way such as cooking a meal, since we all know hospital food isn't as great as your secret family chili recipe, or anything else. Email me and I would love to coordinate that with them and they would really appreciate it.

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