Tuesday, September 05, 2006

Mindset: Creator or Created?

This past Sunday we looked at the first part of Isaiah, Chapters 1-39. We spent a lot of time looking at the example of God as the Potter and us as the clay. God is the Creator, He made us. He took nothing, no materials, no ingredients, no anything and He formed us. He knew us before He wonderfully made us. But sometimes we act as if we aren't the created but the creators. If i baked a batch of gingerbread cookies and all of a sudden one of the gingerbread men started talking smack on me and giving me attitude I would be shocked (and probably bite his head off, literally). Luckily God doesnt do that, but we need to treat God with respect and we need to live life in worship of our Creator.
Isaiah is a beautiful book with beautiful descriptions of God. Yet Isaiah as a prophet of God had a very difficult time, as many people didn't want to hear the message he brought from God.
I am getting really excited for Amped All night. Make sure to sign-up so you dont have to wait in line that night. Also make sure to invite as many friends as possible. This night will be awesome!

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