Monday, October 16, 2006

When it rains it pours

You know the old saying, when it rains it pours. And as you look to the photo on the right your might be wondering what exactly is raining here? Shoes my friends, shoes. In the span of 1 single week, Monday to Monday I will have to wear shoes 4 times. Now i can't remember the last time I wore actual shoes with laces. I went running once or twice this year and had shoes on for less than an hour. Then there was a friend's wedding 14 months ago that I wore shoes to (because I was in the wedding). But other than that shoes and I don't make the best of friends. And yet I havent worn real shoes with laces in months (and as a side note growing up ALL of my shoes were slip ons or velcro, something i am very proud of). So no laced up shoes in months and now I have to wear them 4 times. It all started with today, Pastor Mike Lutz is in Belize on a mission trip and asked me if I could do the shopping for the food bank. This is something I used to do and was quite excited to go back. But as I drove there I remembered the warehouse rules, closed toes shoe only, my kyrptonite. So there I am on the freeway figuring that I have to pull over and buy a pair of shoes. I mean I cant turn around and go home, cause there aren't any shoes there. So i had to stop at my parents place and "borrow" a pair of my dad's shoes. (i'll return them don't worry) So i have to do that again next monday, so there is twice in a week that i have to wear real shoes. Then there is this Sunday which is "No Bare Feet Day" so i will be wearing shoes then, and finally, this Saturday is the World Famous Mud Run. I am running a 10k with some other people from church and its going to be crazy. There is a map to the left, let me point some places of interest to you. Slippery Hill, River Crossing, and Suicide Hill. Then there are the tire walls, the army crawls under barb wire, and running in thick mud. I am really excited, but not really exicted that I have to wear shoes for the forth time.

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